Monday, September 9, 2019

Bad Review Scrap Heap: All My Sons Moving and Storage

One of Five Stars

It was one fiasco after another with this company. First, they arranged for an evaluator to come out and give us an estimate of what our move would cost. I confirmed the appointment, but she didn't show. I called the office, and they apologized and rescheduled. She did arrive at that time but never came into the place because she was allergic to cats. We could have just told someone over the phone what we were planning to move.

I called to schedule the move, and it was supposedly scheduled. My son remembered the estimator saying something about a security deposit so we called to give one. The man I spoke to said we were not on the calendar, apologized profusely, and put us back on the schedule.

When I called on Thursday, I was told we had been removed from the schedule by the "big boss" and was told that said "big boss" had called and left messages for me. I received no messages from anyone. At this point, I was done.

The one thing they did right was refunding our deposit without a hassle. Also, everyone I spoke with was very polite, but they dropped the ball on everything else.

If I had seen all the one-star reviews on Yelp, I would never have contracted this company in the first place.

The Ornery Old Lady says "nay" to All My Sons.

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