Ornery done teamed up with my old pal Hooty the Owl, and there ain't no stoppin' 'em from bakin' late into the night or early in the mornin' neither! How's a ghost supposed to git any rest 'round this place?
Y'all can see what Ornery has on the menu down below. She's addin' to it all the time, so put a bookmark in this here page, an' come back often!
Hello everyone! Ornery Old Lady here. At the time of this writing (May 28, 2019) we are still preparing for the move to the Grover Hotel, but I am selling Good Stuff which will make both your taste buds and your dentist happy! All proceeds from sales of the Good Stuff go into the Grover Hotel Fund (my savings account) to help with the costs for renovating the hotel, getting a good used Prius for the weekly trips to Denver, and being able to live independently. So even though I'm not invading Grover's kitchen yet, you can still help out!
In the interest of full disclosure, I do use peanuts in my kitchen. If you or someone you love is allergic to peanuts, it's best to support our venture in some other fashion. You can also check out my
Ornery WAH blog and see if anything there appeals to you, or just do an Amazon search through one of my search boxes if you've got something in mind!
At the moment, I've got one recipe which has been tested on my helpful two-legged Guinea Pigs to offer you.
Peanut Butter Avalanche Cookies
My two-legged guinea pig Vanessa described these as a delightful sugar headache in the making. The ingredients are simple: Peanut butter, Rice Krispies, mini marshmallows, mini chocolate chips, and white almond bark.
You will receive 30 big, gooey cookies in a glorious Priority Mail box for $30. $15 goes to cover shipping and handling, and the other $15 is for the cookies.
Unfortunately, I can only ship these cookies in the United States. The cost of shipping them even to my lovely neighbors to the North is completely prohibitive.
Fortunately, you can make these cookies yourself and still support the Grover Hotel renovation simply by clicking through my Amazon affiliate links
on this post to buy your cookie-making supplies, or by sharing this blog with your friends, family, or your own blog's readers!
I will have more recipes to share and sell in the months to come, and lots of updates as we make our move to the Grover Hotel!
No worries, eh? You can still support the Grover Hotel Renovation Project!
If you would like to purchase some Peanut Butter Avalanche Cookies, you can either leave a comment with your email address and I'll contact you shortly, or you can email me at chartley65@gmail.com with PEANUT BUTTER AVALANCHE COOKIES in the subject line. It does help if you capitalize it so I don't miss it! I'll send you a request on Paypal, and, as soon as I receive your payment, I'll make your batch of cookies and hurry them off to you via priority mail!