A link party running the 1st through the 25th of each month. Share unlimited posts.
Open the 2nd to the 9th of each month
Offers a month worth of prompts at the beginning of each month

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay
Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp's Come As You Are Party
Share pretty much anything you want, although there are a couple of rules to keep things fun for everyone.
InSPIREd Sunday
Share photographs of places with a religious/spiritual theme such as churches, cathedrals, churchyards, temples and such.
Over the Moon
Crafts, DIY, Recipes
Shadow Shot Sunday
Share a photograph which features shadows
Silent Sunday
I am unsure where this one originated. It's a photo-sharing meme. Like Wordless Wednesday, one is supposed to post a photo and run. I've taken it on myself to host a Silent Sunday blog hop if anyone wants to join. I tend not to like a lot of rules, so mine are simple. It has to be your photo and it can't be anything mean-spirited or pornographic. Art nudes are fine. XXX material is not. That's all!
Sunday Muse
A photo-based poetry prompt
Sunday Selections
Share a previously unpublished photo.
Sunday Snippets Facebook Group
Share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. I usually double up and share my Weekend Writing Warriors snippet with Sunday Snippets as well.
Sunday Stills
A photography blog hop. The theme is posted in advance on this page so you can plan ahead.
Sundays in My City
Share pictures from your stomping grounds.
Weekend Meditation
A Japanese poetry prompt for the weekend.
Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp's Come As You Are Party
Share pretty much anything you want, although there are a couple of rules to keep things fun for everyone.
InSPIREd Sunday
Share photographs of places with a religious/spiritual theme such as churches, cathedrals, churchyards, temples and such.
Over the Moon
Crafts, DIY, Recipes
Shadow Shot Sunday
Share a photograph which features shadows
Silent Sunday
I am unsure where this one originated. It's a photo-sharing meme. Like Wordless Wednesday, one is supposed to post a photo and run. I've taken it on myself to host a Silent Sunday blog hop if anyone wants to join. I tend not to like a lot of rules, so mine are simple. It has to be your photo and it can't be anything mean-spirited or pornographic. Art nudes are fine. XXX material is not. That's all!
Sunday Muse
A photo-based poetry prompt
Sunday Selections
Share a previously unpublished photo.
Sunday Snippets Facebook Group
Share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. I usually double up and share my Weekend Writing Warriors snippet with Sunday Snippets as well.
Sunday Stills
A photography blog hop. The theme is posted in advance on this page so you can plan ahead.
Sundays in My City
Share pictures from your stomping grounds.
Weekend Meditation
A Japanese poetry prompt for the weekend.
Share an 8 to 10 sentence snippet from a WIP or published work.
Most of my Weekend Writing Warriors posts can be found on the Naughty Netherworld Press blog, which is definitely naughty and decidedly not family-friendly. Unless your family happens to consist of a group of randy shape-shifting extraterrestrials, elementals, gargoyle warriors, vampires, werewolves, such as those that appear in the very naughty Carnal Invasion series, published by Naughty Netherworld Press.
What's for Dinner
Writers Pantry
Share any poem or prose of 369 words or less that was written by you.
Although I like most of the people who tend to participate with this one there is one participant whom I can't abide and thus I don't tend to share here. If you don't get your feathers ruffled as easily as I am inclined to, you might give this one a try.
What's for Dinner
Writers Pantry
Share any poem or prose of 369 words or less that was written by you.
Although I like most of the people who tend to participate with this one there is one participant whom I can't abide and thus I don't tend to share here. If you don't get your feathers ruffled as easily as I am inclined to, you might give this one a try.
About Me Monday
The Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp invites you to share something about yourself.
Blue Monday
Share a photograph featuring the color blue.
Busy Monday
Crafts, DIY projects and Recipes
About Me Monday
The Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp invites you to share something about yourself.
Blue Monday
Share a photograph featuring the color blue.
Busy Monday
Crafts, DIY projects and Recipes
You can share any beauty, crafty, creative, crochet, decor, fashionable, healthy, home interiors, knitting, outfit, recipes, sewing, stylish or travel posts.
Also welcome to share any beauty & style, home & garden, food & health tips, tricks or hacks.
First Monday Favorites
Haibun Monday/Quadrille
Poetry prompts
Hearth and Soul
At the Hearth and Soul Link Party, you can share blog posts old and new, about anything that feeds the soul. This includes – but is not limited to – family, home, recipes, decorating, crafts, DIY, travel, organization, book reviews, the arts, and self-improvement.
Macro Monday
Share a photograph that hones in on a component.
Made By You Monday
Crafts, DIY, recipes
Melt in your Mouth Monday
Menu Plan Monday
Mix It Up Monday
DIY and Recipes
MMA Story Challenge
Use the word prompt to create a drabble (100-word flash fiction.) The word is usually action-oriented but the story doesn't have to be.
The Monday Peeve
Pitch the bitch on Monday.
Mosaic Monday
Photography blog hop looking for mosaics
Music Monday Challenge
Music-based flash fiction prompt
Promote Yourself Monday
Senior Salon
Come all you old whippersnappers and share something family-friendly. This is a blog hop for the more seasoned souls.
Through My Lens
Photography blog hop
V.J.'s Weekly Challenge
Write a post in response to a prompt.
What do You See
Picture writing prompt
You're the Star
Tends to have craft-based themes, but all family-friendly posts are welcome.
First Monday Favorites
Haibun Monday/Quadrille
Poetry prompts
Hearth and Soul
At the Hearth and Soul Link Party, you can share blog posts old and new, about anything that feeds the soul. This includes – but is not limited to – family, home, recipes, decorating, crafts, DIY, travel, organization, book reviews, the arts, and self-improvement.
Pretty much any kind of post, but must be family-friendly.
Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party
Crafts, DIY, recipes
Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party
Crafts, DIY, recipes
Macro Monday
Share a photograph that hones in on a component.
Made By You Monday
Crafts, DIY, recipes
Melt in your Mouth Monday
Menu Plan Monday
Mix It Up Monday
DIY and Recipes
MMA Story Challenge
Use the word prompt to create a drabble (100-word flash fiction.) The word is usually action-oriented but the story doesn't have to be.
The Monday Peeve
Pitch the bitch on Monday.
Mosaic Monday
Photography blog hop looking for mosaics
Music Monday Challenge
Music-based flash fiction prompt
Promote Yourself Monday
Senior Salon
Come all you old whippersnappers and share something family-friendly. This is a blog hop for the more seasoned souls.
Through My Lens
Photography blog hop
V.J.'s Weekly Challenge
Write a post in response to a prompt.
What do You See
Picture writing prompt
You're the Star
Tends to have craft-based themes, but all family-friendly posts are welcome.
Farm Fresh Tuesday
Share posts about homesteading, homemaking, homeschooling, DIY, food, and sustainable living
Family Friendly posts only
Share only posts that you have created
By submitting your post, you agree to have a photo and link shared if you are featured
No posts dedicated to selling products
No links to blog hops or linky parties
Nature Notes
Share nature photos
Our World Tuesday
Photography blog hop asking for family-friendly posts.
Party in your PJs
Link to your post, not your home page.
Link to something YOU made, wrote, or thought.
No Etsy or business pages.
Link Parties, Roundups, and Giveaways are welcome.
Ruby Tuesday
Share a photograph featuring the color red.
Farm Fresh Tuesday
Share posts about homesteading, homemaking, homeschooling, DIY, food, and sustainable living
Family Friendly posts only
Share only posts that you have created
By submitting your post, you agree to have a photo and link shared if you are featured
No posts dedicated to selling products
No links to blog hops or linky parties
Nature Notes
Share nature photos
Our World Tuesday
Photography blog hop asking for family-friendly posts.
Party in your PJs
Link to your post, not your home page.
Link to something YOU made, wrote, or thought.
No Etsy or business pages.
Link Parties, Roundups, and Giveaways are welcome.
Ruby Tuesday
Share a photograph featuring the color red.
Spread the Kindness
Share anything family friendly and in some way uplifting.
Tackle It Tuesday
Join Cactus Clem, Ghost Town Grover, The Ornery Old Lady, and Sonny-Boy as they tackle some sort of project or challenge 'round the ole Hotel.
Tanka Tuesday
A Tanka prompt on Tuesday
Tidbit Tuesday with the Horror Harridans
Share something with the Harridans! you can share pretty much anything: flash fiction, a selection from a WIP, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, book and product reviews, recipes--I'm not picky, you decide!
The Tuesday Platform
Share a poem
There are some great people on the Real Toads roster, but in all honesty, I don't link up with their prompts anymore as I have also encountered a great deal of cliquish behavior and occasional outright hostility from members of this blog hop. I gave it a few shakes, but after a point, even I am not such a fool as to return for additional abuse.
Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge
A writing prompt. On Tuesday.
Weekly Haiku/Senryu Challenge
Heeding Haiku
A Haiku prompt
Long and Short Reviews
A weekly blog challenge every Wednesday. Visit to see the subject list.
Midweek Motif
Poetry Prompt
Picture Perfect Party
Any family-friendly post with a picture
Tan Renga Wednesday
Come create a Tan Renga poem.
Wordless Wednesday
Words for Wednesday
A writing prompt featuring words, pictures, or both.
WTF Wednesday
Share things that make you say WTF at the Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp.
Creative Compulsions
FOAD Thursday
Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp revives FOAD Thursday because there are too many people and organizations that really need to FOAD for us to not talk about it.
Full Plate Thursday
Little Things Thursday
It looks like you can share pretty much whatever you want.
Pay it Forward Thursday
Share a blog that you appreciate.
Poetry Forms/Open Link Night
Poetry blog hop
Pop of Positivity
Share fun stuff on the given theme of the week.
Simple Homestead Blog Hop
Posts about homesteading, homemaking, and homeschooling. Family-friendly posts, no links to posts or blog hops dedicated to advertising products.
Thursday 13
Make a list of 13 things on Thursday.
Thursday Photo Prompt
Write a story based on the photo provided.
Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party
Fat Friday
Are you fat in a world that hates fat people or are you a slender reed or inbetweenie who also thinks it's stupid and wrong how the world treats fat people? Want to share some Fabulous Fatshion, encouragement to keep being fabulous just the way you are, Health at Every Size friendly posts with recipes or non-weight loss oriented fitness tips or discussions of the frankly utterly shite way fat people are treated in a thin-centric world? Welcome to Fat Friday at the Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp where pretty much everything except thinspiration is welcome.
Discussions of weight fluctuations as they relate to health conditions are fine. Promotion of weight loss, diet talk, fat-shaming, and thin praising is not welcome.
Friday Favorites
Crafts, DIY, Recipes
Friday Fictioneers
Post a drabble (flash fiction of 100 words or less.)
Haiku My Heart
Use your own image (or an image you have permission to use) and write a Haiku!
Handmade and Otherwise
This link-up is to share any type of handmade or homemade projects and tutorials such as crafts, woodworking, DIY, flowers and gardening, home decor, printables, and recipes.
Insecure Writers Support Group Facebook:
Friday News and Promos
Link Up on the Edge
Generally positive posts
A Morning Cup of Joe
Crafts, DIY, Recipes
Nature Friday
Share a photo that contains something nature-y.
Skywatch Friday
Photography blog looking for pictures that include the sky.
Vampire Friday
If you're writing about vampires, share your work here.
Weekend Potluck
Weekend Reflections
Photography blog hop looking for pictures that show a reflection of some kind. Runs from 11 AM Friday (EST) to 11:59 PM Sunday (EST)
What Pegman Saw
Flash fiction of 150 words or less.
The Barn Collective
Share a photo of a barn
Blow Your Stack Saturday
Join us for this new feature and blow your stack at the Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp.
Marketing for Romance Writers (MFRW) Book Hooks
Opens on Saturday. Closes on Tuesday at 11:30 PM (2330) EDT). Featured on Wednesday.
Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb, and a buy link.
Pink Saturday
Share a photo that has something pink in it.
Rainbow Snippets
Share six-sentence snippets to stories featuring bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender characters every Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday's Critters
Share an animal photo
Saturday's Snapshot
Photography prompt
Weekend Writing Prompt
Share anything family friendly and in some way uplifting.
Tackle It Tuesday
Join Cactus Clem, Ghost Town Grover, The Ornery Old Lady, and Sonny-Boy as they tackle some sort of project or challenge 'round the ole Hotel.
Tanka Tuesday
A Tanka prompt on Tuesday
Tidbit Tuesday with the Horror Harridans
Share something with the Harridans! you can share pretty much anything: flash fiction, a selection from a WIP, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, book and product reviews, recipes--I'm not picky, you decide!
You can include advertising for your book, product, service, blog, or whatever at the end of your post.
Leave a tidbit for me!
Travel Tuesday
Photography blog hop for photos that have something to do with travel.
Travel Tuesday
Photography blog hop for photos that have something to do with travel.
The Tuesday Platform
Share a poem
There are some great people on the Real Toads roster, but in all honesty, I don't link up with their prompts anymore as I have also encountered a great deal of cliquish behavior and occasional outright hostility from members of this blog hop. I gave it a few shakes, but after a point, even I am not such a fool as to return for additional abuse.
Tuesday Writing Prompt Challenge
A writing prompt. On Tuesday.
Weekly Haiku/Senryu Challenge
Heeding Haiku
A Haiku prompt
Long and Short Reviews
A weekly blog challenge every Wednesday. Visit to see the subject list.
Midweek Motif
Poetry Prompt
Picture Perfect Party
Any family-friendly post with a picture
Tan Renga Wednesday
Come create a Tan Renga poem.
Wordless Wednesday
Words for Wednesday
A writing prompt featuring words, pictures, or both.
WTF Wednesday
Share things that make you say WTF at the Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp.
Creative Compulsions
FOAD Thursday
Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp revives FOAD Thursday because there are too many people and organizations that really need to FOAD for us to not talk about it.
Full Plate Thursday
Little Things Thursday
It looks like you can share pretty much whatever you want.
Pay it Forward Thursday
Share a blog that you appreciate.
Poetry Forms/Open Link Night
Poetry blog hop
Pop of Positivity
Share fun stuff on the given theme of the week.
Simple Homestead Blog Hop
Posts about homesteading, homemaking, and homeschooling. Family-friendly posts, no links to posts or blog hops dedicated to advertising products.
Includes photo flash fiction and Thursday Threads prompts
Promote your work and request prompts. Fanfiction friendly.
Make a list of 13 things on Thursday.
Thursday Photo Prompt
Write a story based on the photo provided.
Traffic Jam Weekend Linky Party
Fat Friday
Are you fat in a world that hates fat people or are you a slender reed or inbetweenie who also thinks it's stupid and wrong how the world treats fat people? Want to share some Fabulous Fatshion, encouragement to keep being fabulous just the way you are, Health at Every Size friendly posts with recipes or non-weight loss oriented fitness tips or discussions of the frankly utterly shite way fat people are treated in a thin-centric world? Welcome to Fat Friday at the Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp where pretty much everything except thinspiration is welcome.
Discussions of weight fluctuations as they relate to health conditions are fine. Promotion of weight loss, diet talk, fat-shaming, and thin praising is not welcome.
Friday Favorites
Crafts, DIY, Recipes
Friday Fictioneers
Post a drabble (flash fiction of 100 words or less.)
Haiku My Heart
Use your own image (or an image you have permission to use) and write a Haiku!
Handmade and Otherwise
This link-up is to share any type of handmade or homemade projects and tutorials such as crafts, woodworking, DIY, flowers and gardening, home decor, printables, and recipes.
Insecure Writers Support Group Facebook:
Friday News and Promos
Link Up on the Edge
Generally positive posts
A Morning Cup of Joe
Crafts, DIY, Recipes
Nature Friday
Share a photo that contains something nature-y.
Skywatch Friday
Photography blog looking for pictures that include the sky.
Vampire Friday
If you're writing about vampires, share your work here.
Weekend Potluck
Weekend Reflections
Photography blog hop looking for pictures that show a reflection of some kind. Runs from 11 AM Friday (EST) to 11:59 PM Sunday (EST)
What Pegman Saw
Flash fiction of 150 words or less.
The Barn Collective
Share a photo of a barn
Blow Your Stack Saturday
Join us for this new feature and blow your stack at the Crazy Creatives Cheerleading Camp.
Marketing for Romance Writers (MFRW) Book Hooks
Opens on Saturday. Closes on Tuesday at 11:30 PM (2330) EDT). Featured on Wednesday.
Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb, and a buy link.
Pink Saturday
Share a photo that has something pink in it.
Rainbow Snippets
Share six-sentence snippets to stories featuring bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender characters every Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday's Critters
Share an animal photo
Saturday's Snapshot
Photography prompt
If you write sexy stuff with a touch of corporal punishment, this is the blog hop for you. Adults over 18 only, please.
Family-friendly cooking, crafting, and DIY posts.
Weekend Writing Prompt
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