bare branches
a painting against the blue sky
leaves under my feet
crunch foretelling coming snow
chill breeze blowing through the air
bare branches like claws
reach into the great unknown
hard winter ahead
too little snow or too much
the wind chills me to my bones
the blue sky turns gray
the snow begins to fall down
blown by the cold wind
I retreat inside the house
the cold tries to reach me there
the leaves are long gone
to the earth or raked away
nothing can linger
things that lose their youthful shine
are hidden away from view
unforgiving sky
tells of foul weather to come
thankful for warning
I plan my week according
to the weather prophecy
chill breeze cuts through me
its cruelty refreshing
brutal honesty
the winter shows no mercy
to anything in its path
The Hokku of the first verse was written by Yozakura the Unknown Haiku Poet. The rest can be attributed to me.
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